Mark a subscriber messages as seen, read, unseen or unread
API key authentication. Allowed headers-- "Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>".
A header for idempotency purposes
Path Parameters
, seen
, unread
, unseen
Environment ID where the message is sent
Message template ID
Notification ID associated with the message
Organization ID associated with the message
Subscriber ID associated with the message
Template ID associated with the message
Channel type through which the message is sent
, email
, sms
, chat
, push
Content of the message, can be an email block or a string
Creation date of the message
Call to action associated with the message
Indicates if the message has been read
Indicates if the message has been seen
Status of the message
, error
, warning
Transaction ID associated with the message
Feed ID associated with the message, if applicable
Unique identifier for the message
Device tokens associated with the message, if applicable
Direct webhook URL for the message, if applicable
Email address associated with the message, if applicable
Error ID if the message has an error
Error text if the message has an error
Last read date of the message, if available
Last seen date of the message, if available
Provider specific overrides used when triggering the notification
The payload that was used to send the notification trigger
Phone number associated with the message, if applicable
Provider ID associated with the message, if applicable
Subject of the message, if applicable
Subscriber details, if available
Workflow template associated with the message
Identifier for the message template
Title of the message, if applicable