You can use the 46elks provider to send SMS messages to your customers using the Novu platform with a single API to create multi-channel experiences.

Getting Started

To use the 46elks provider in the sms channel, you will need to create a 46elks account and add your API Username & API Password to the 46elks integration on the Novu platform.

Creating the 46elks integration with Novu

  • Visit the Integrations page on Novu.
  • Click the “Add a provider” button.
  • Select 46elks service
  • Click Next
  • Choose your preferred deployment environment: Development or Production. Then Click the Create button.
  • Click on the Disabled button and mark it as Active.
  • Click on the Update button.
  • You should now be able to send SMS, MMS, using 46elks in Novu.

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