You can use the SNS provider to send transactional emails to your customers using the Novu Platform with a single API to create multi-channel experiences.

Getting Started

Before you can use SNS as your SMS provider in the Novu platform, you’ll need to set up an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account and configure the necessary settings. Here are the steps to get started:

  • Create an AWS Account: If you don’t already have an AWS account, you’ll need to create one. You can sign up for an AWS account on the AWS website.
  • Set Up Amazon SNS: After you’ve created your AWS account, navigate to the AWS Management Console. In the Services menu, locate and click on “Simple Notification Service (SNS).” Follow the prompts to set up SNS for your account.
  • Configure SMS Preferences: In your SNS dashboard, configure your SMS preferences. This includes setting up your sender ID and opting in for SMS messaging.
  • Create Access Keys: To access SNS programmatically, you’ll need to create AWS Access Keys. These keys are used to authenticate your integration with the Novu platform. Go to the AWS Identity and Access Management console to create access keys.

Create an SNS integration with Novu

  • Visit the Integrations page on Novu.
  • Click the “Add a provider” button.
  • Choose your preferred deployment environment: Development or Production. Then Click the Create button.
  • Enter your Access Key IDSecret Access key, and AWS region.
  • Click on the Disabled button and mark it as Active.
  • Click on the Update button.
  • You should now be able to send SMS notifications using SNS in Novu.

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