
Sending One-Time Passwords (OTP) is often unnecessarily complicated, requiring engineering teams to waste valuable development cycles setting up SMS infrastructure and getting email reputation satisfactory for sending six digit passcodes. This three channel workflow example shows how to send an email, push notification, or SMS OTP.

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Send an email

Send a mobile push notification

Send an SMS notification

Code Sample

import { workflow } from '@novu/framework';
import { renderOtpEmail } from '../emails/slack-otp';
import { zodControlSchema, zodPayloadSchema, zodPushControlSchema, zodSmsControlSchema } from './schemas';

export const SlackVerificationOTP = workflow(
  "Slack Verify OTP",
  async ({ step, payload }) => {
      async (controls) => {
        return {
          subject: controls.emailSubject,
          body: renderOtpEmail(controls, payload),
        controlSchema: zodControlSchema

    // -----------------------------------push flow-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    await step.push('send-push', async (controls) => {
      return {
        subject: controls.pushNotificationSubject,
        body: `Your verification code from Slack is ${payload.validationCode}`,
      controlSchema: zodPushControlSchema

    // -----------------------------------sms flow-------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    await step.sms('send-sms', async (controls) => {
      return {
        subject: controls.smsSubject,
        body: `Your verification code from Slack is ${payload.validationCode}`,
      controlSchema: zodSmsControlSchema
    payloadSchema: zodPayloadSchema