
See the most recent changes and learn about how to shape Novu's future

Using the changelog, you can:

  • Keep an eye on the latest updates,
  • Learn more about the newly added features and improvements, and
  • Stay informed about bug fixes and enhancement

Getting involved:

Community is at the heart of everything we do at Novu. To get more involved with the community, you can:

  • Fork and Contribute to our open issues as well as suggest new ideas at our github repository
  • Join our community to ask questions, engage with other users and share ideas. Here's the joining link.
  • Participate in our office hours to learn more and connect with our core team. Join us here.

Remember, we're not building just another product, but a community of passionate developers who shape its evolution. Our changelog isn't just a list of updates but a reflection of our journey together. Your voice matters, and your ideas and feedback are what fuel our progress and shape our future. So, join us in this adventure, and – Let's build something amazing, one feature at a time!

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