Syncing your local changes to the Novu Cloud Dashboard

Novu operates in a multi environment setup, with the currently available environments:

  • Local Studio - Running against your local machine, this is where you can create, edit, and preview workflows.
  • Development - Acts as a Staging environment, where your non-technical peers can view and modify controls.
  • Production - For triggering workflows to your customers.

Sync changes to Novu Cloud

Novu Framework operates in a GitOps model. This means that the source of truth for your workflows and configurations are located in your Git as Code.

The general workflow for pushing changes to Novu Cloud is as follows:

  • Create a feature branch
  • Develop workflows locally in your bridge application
  • Sync changes to the Development environment to test e2e
  • Merge the feature branch to your dev branch
    • This will trigger a CI/CD pipeline that will deploy the changes to the Development environment
  • Test the changes in the Development environment
  • Merge the dev branch to the main branch
    • This will trigger a CI/CD pipeline that will deploy the changes to the Production environment

CI/CD Integrations

Novu currently supports the following CI integrations:

Direct integration with other CI/CD tools is on our roadmap. If you would like to see a specific CI/CD tool integrated, please reach out to us.

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