You can use the SendGrid provider to send transactional emails to your customers using the Novu Platform with a single API to create multi-channel experiences.

Getting Started

To use the Sendgrid provider in the email channel, you will need to create a Sendgrid account and add your API key to the SendGrid integration on the Novu platform.

Generating an API Key

To generate a new API key in SendGrid, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your SendGrid account.
  • Click on the Settings gear icon in the top right corner of the screen, and then click “API Keys” from the drop-down menu.
  • On the API Keys page, click the Create API Key button.
  • Give the API key a name and select the following permissions
  • Mail Send - Full Access
  • (Optional) Template Engine - Read Only
  • Click the Create & View button to generate the API key. The key will be displayed on the screen, but you will only be able to view it once, so make sure to save it in a safe place.


The access level of the key will determine what actions the API Key can take, so please choose the correct one.

  • Mail Send - Full Access
  • (Optional) Template Engine - Read Only

Authenticating your Sender Identity

Before you can send emails on a large scale, you will need to authenticate your Sender Identity. This is due to the latest regulatory changes regarding SPAM rules and email fraud. Most of the providers including Sendgrid require you to authenticate your Sender Identity before you can send emails.

SendGrid allows you to authenticate your sender identity using one of the following methods:

SendGrid integration with Novu

  • Visit the Integrations store on the Novu web dashboard.
  • Click on Add a Provider.
  • Select SendGrid service.
  • Enter your SendGrid API Key.
  • Fill in the From email address field using the authenticated email from the previous step.
  • Click on the Disabled button and mark it as Active.
  • Click on the Update button.
  • You should now be able to send notifications through SendGrid using Novu.

Using SendGrid template

Novu has its own email editor for writing email template. To send pre-made template in SendGrid, customData filed of email overrides can be used to send template details. Make sure sendgrid Api Key has enough permission to read and process the template. This customData field can be used to send custom args and extra data in the form of key-value pairs.

customData override is available from version 0.21.0
import { Novu } from "@novu/node";

const novu = new Novu("<NOVU_SECRET_KEY>");

await novu.subscribers.trigger("workflowIdentifier", {
  to: "subscriberId",
  payload: {},
  overrides: {
    email: {
      customData: {
        // sendgrid template templateId
        templateId: "sendgrid-template-id",
        // sendgrid template variables
        dynamicTemplateData: {
          total: "$ 239.85",
          items: [
              text: "New Line Sneakers",
              price: "$ 79.95",
              text: "Old Line Sneakers rlfjrjrh4hr4rh4",
              price: "$ 79.95",
          receipt: true,
          name: "Sample Name",
          address01: "1234 Fake St.",
          address02: "Apt. 123",
          city: "Place",
          state: "CO",
          zip: "80202",
  // actorId is subscriberId of actor
  actor: "actorId",
  tenant: "tenantIdentifier",