API reference for the @novu/react package
The @novu/react package provides React components for building notification UIs.
The main component for displaying notifications.
Prop | Type | Default |
applicationIdentifier? | string | - |
subscriberId? | string | - |
subscriberHash? | string | - |
backendUrl? | string | - |
socketUrl? | string | - |
appearance? | Appearance | - |
localization? | Localization | - |
tabs? | Tab[] | - |
preferencesFilter? | PreferencesFilter | - |
routerPush? | RouterPush | - |
Appearance Configuration
Prop | Type | Default |
variables? | Variables | - |
animations? | boolean | - |
baseTheme? | Theme | Theme[] | - |
Prop | Type | Default |
colorBackground? | string | - |
colorForeground? | string | - |
colorPrimary? | string | - |
colorPrimaryForeground? | string | - |
colorSecondary? | string | - |
colorSecondaryForeground? | string | - |
colorCounter? | string | - |
colorCounterForeground? | string | - |
colorNeutral? | string | - |
colorShadow? | string | - |
fontSize? | string | - |
borderRadius? | string | - |
Prop | Type | Default |
button? | ElementStyles | - |
popoverContent? | ElementStyles | - |
popoverTrigger? | ElementStyles | - |
dropdownContent? | ElementStyles | - |
dropdownTrigger? | ElementStyles | - |
dropdownItem? | ElementStyles | - |
dropdownItemLabel? | ElementStyles | - |
dropdownItemLabelContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
dropdownItemLeftIcon? | ElementStyles | - |
dropdownItemRightIcon? | ElementStyles | - |
tooltipContent? | ElementStyles | - |
tooltipTrigger? | ElementStyles | - |
back__button? | ElementStyles | - |
skeletonText? | ElementStyles | - |
skeletonAvatar? | ElementStyles | - |
tabsRoot? | ElementStyles | - |
tabsList? | ElementStyles | - |
tabsContent? | ElementStyles | - |
tabsTrigger? | ElementStyles | - |
dots? | ElementStyles | - |
root? | ElementStyles | - |
bellIcon? | ElementStyles | - |
bellContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
bellDot? | ElementStyles | - |
preferences__button? | ElementStyles | - |
preferencesContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
inboxHeader? | ElementStyles | - |
loading? | ElementStyles | - |
inboxContent? | ElementStyles | - |
inbox__popoverTrigger? | ElementStyles | - |
inbox__popoverContent? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationListContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationList? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationListEmptyNoticeContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationListEmptyNotice? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationListEmptyNoticeIcon? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationListNewNotificationsNotice__button? | ElementStyles | - |
notification? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationDot? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationSubject? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationSubject__strong? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationBody? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationBody__strong? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationBodyContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationImage? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationDate? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationDefaultActions? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationCustomActions? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationPrimaryAction__button? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationSecondaryAction__button? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationRead__button? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationUnread__button? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationArchive__button? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationUnarchive__button? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationsTabs__tabsRoot? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationsTabs__tabsList? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationsTabs__tabsContent? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationsTabs__tabsTrigger? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationsTabsTriggerLabel? | ElementStyles | - |
notificationsTabsTriggerCount? | ElementStyles | - |
inboxStatus__title? | ElementStyles | - |
inboxStatus__dropdownTrigger? | ElementStyles | - |
inboxStatus__dropdownContent? | ElementStyles | - |
inboxStatus__dropdownItem? | ElementStyles | - |
inboxStatus__dropdownItemLabel? | ElementStyles | - |
inboxStatus__dropdownItemLabelContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
inboxStatus__dropdownItemLeft__icon? | ElementStyles | - |
inboxStatus__dropdownItemRight__icon? | ElementStyles | - |
moreActionsContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
moreActions__dropdownTrigger? | ElementStyles | - |
moreActions__dropdownContent? | ElementStyles | - |
moreActions__dropdownItem? | ElementStyles | - |
moreActions__dropdownItemLabel? | ElementStyles | - |
moreActions__dropdownItemLeft__icon? | ElementStyles | - |
moreActions__dots? | ElementStyles | - |
moreTabs__button? | ElementStyles | - |
moreTabs__dots? | ElementStyles | - |
moreTabs__dropdownTrigger? | ElementStyles | - |
moreTabs__dropdownContent? | ElementStyles | - |
moreTabs__dropdownItem? | ElementStyles | - |
moreTabs__dropdownItemLabel? | ElementStyles | - |
moreTabs__dropdownItemRight__icon? | ElementStyles | - |
workflowContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
workflowLabel? | ElementStyles | - |
workflowLabelHeader? | ElementStyles | - |
workflowLabelContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
workflowContainerDisabledNotice? | ElementStyles | - |
workflowLabelDisabled__icon? | ElementStyles | - |
workflowContainerRight__icon? | ElementStyles | - |
workflowArrow__icon? | ElementStyles | - |
channelContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
channelsContainerCollapsible? | ElementStyles | - |
channelsContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
channelLabel? | ElementStyles | - |
channelLabelContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
channelDescription? | ElementStyles | - |
channelName? | ElementStyles | - |
channelSwitchContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
channelSwitch? | ElementStyles | - |
channelSwitchThumb? | ElementStyles | - |
preferencesHeader? | ElementStyles | - |
preferencesHeader__back__button? | ElementStyles | - |
preferencesHeader__title? | ElementStyles | - |
preferencesLoadingContainer? | ElementStyles | - |
strong? | ElementStyles | - |
A customizable notification bell component.
Prop | Type | Default |
renderBell? | BellRenderer | - |
A component for rendering a list of notifications.
Prop | Type | Default |
renderNotification? | NotificationsRenderer | - |
onNotificationClick? | NotificationClickHandler | - |
onPrimaryActionClick? | NotificationActionClickHandler | - |
onSecondaryActionClick? | NotificationActionClickHandler | - |
A component for building custom notification inboxes.
Prop | Type | Default |
renderNotification? | NotificationsRenderer | - |
onNotificationClick? | NotificationClickHandler | - |
onPrimaryActionClick? | NotificationActionClickHandler | - |
onSecondaryActionClick? | NotificationActionClickHandler | - |
initialPage? | InboxPage | - |
hideNav? | boolean | - |