You can use the Clicksend provider to send SMS messages to your customers using the Novu Platform. Let’s see how to do it:

Getting Started

To use the Clicksend provider in the SMS channel, the first step is to create a Clicksend account and add your API key to the Clicksend integration on the Novu web dashboard.

Retrieving your API Key

  • Generate an API Key: After logging into your ClickSend account, navigate to the API Keys section. This is usually located in your account settings or developer dashboard.
  • Create a New API Key: It’s recommended to create a new API key specifically for your integration with Novu. Click on the option to create a new API key, and it will be generated for you.
  • Copy the API Key: Once your API key is created, make sure to copy it to your clipboard. You will need this key to connect ClickSend with Novu.

Create a Clicksend integration with Novu

  • Visit the Integrations page on Novu.
  • Click on Add a Provider.
  • Select Clicksend service.
  • Choose your preferred deployment environment: Development or Production. Then Click the Create button.
  • Enter your Clicksend Username.
  • Enter your Clicksend API Key.
  • Fill in the From field.
  • Click on the Disabled button and mark it as Active.
  • Click on the Update button.

Now it is possible to send SMS notifications using Clicksend in Novu.

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