Push Webhook provider is a bit different different from other push providers as it does not depend on other third party services. Users can use their own api url as webhook url and novu will make a post request on that webhook url.

Steps To Configure

  1. Go to integration store and click on Add a provider button. Choose Push channel and then Push Webhook provider.
  2. Enter your Webhook URL. For quick testing use this website.
  3. Enter Secret Hmac Key. Novu will use this secret hmac key to encrypt the data using HMAC SHA256 algorithm and send the hash as value of x-novu-signature header. User can use x-novu-signature header to test authenticity of the request. Read more here
  4. Click on the update button.
  5. Update the subscriber credentials using SDK or API. Read more here
Your webhook url should accept POST request.

Set Device Token

This step is a mandatory step. Other push providers have third party dependencies where a device token can be generated. But in case of push webhook provider, there is no any way to generate device token. Any random string can be used as device token.

import {
} from '@novu/node';

const novu = new Novu("<NOVU_SECRET_KEY>");

// PushProviderIdEnum.PushWebhook = push-webhook
await novu.subscribers.setCredentials('subscriberId', PushProviderIdEnum.PushWebhook, {
deviceTokens: ['ANY_RANDOM_STRING'],

Checkout the API reference for more details.

Example paylod sent by novu to webhook url

  "target": ["subscriber-token-for-push-webhook-provider"],
  "title": "Push Webhook message title",
  "content": "push Webhook content body",
  "overrides": {
    "data": {
      "custom_message": "this is custom message from payload push webhook demo"
  "payload": {
    "custom_message": "this is custom message from payload push webhook demo",
    "__source": "test-workflow",
    "subscriber": {
      // subscriber fields
      "_id": "65c0d71c0959a38e8857b131",
      "_organizationId": "organizationId",
      "_environmentId": "environmentId",
      "firstName": "Pawan",
      "lastName": "Jain",
      "phone": "+123456789",
      "subscriberId": "push-webhook-demo-subscriber-id",
      "email": "pawan+push+web+hook+demo@domain.com",
      "channels": [
          "credentials": {
            "deviceTokens": ["subscriber-token-for-push-webhook-provider"]
          "_integrationId": "integrationId",
          "providerId": "push-webhook"
      "data": {
        // custom data field of subscriber
        "isDeveloper": "true"
      "deleted": false,
      "createdAt": "2024-02-05T12:39:56.379Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-02-05T12:54:08.684Z",
      "__v": 0,
      "id": "65c0d71c0959a38e8857b131"
    "step": {
      // digest variables
      "digest": false,
      "events": [],
      "total_count": 0

Checking Authenticity

import crypto from "crypto"

// secret key added in step 3
const secretKey = "YOUR_HMAC_SECRET_KEY"

// function to handle webhook url route request
async acceptNovuPushWebHookRequest(request, response){

  const payloadSentByNovu = request.body
  const hmacHashSentByNovu = request.headers['x-novu-signature']

  const actualHashValue = crypto
    .createHmac('sha256', secretKey)
    .update(payloadSentByNovu, 'utf-8')

  if(hmacHashSentByNovu === actualHashValue){
    // handle the notification
    console.log("Request sent by Novu")
  } else {
    throw new Error("Not a valid request")