
Learn how to use the useCounts hook to fetch notification counts in your React application

The useCounts hook provides a way to fetch various notification counts, including unread, unseen, and total counts. This hook is useful for displaying notification badges and indicators in your application.

Hook Parameters

storeIdstringNoFilter counts by a specific store ID
queryobjectNoAdditional query parameters for filtering

Return Value

type CountsReturn = {
  data: {
    unreadCount: number;
    unseenCount: number;
    total: number;
  isLoading: boolean;
  error: Error | null;
  refetch: () => void;

Example Usage

Here's how to use the useCounts hook to fetch and display notification counts:

import { useCounts } from '@novu/react';
function NotificationBadge() {
  const { data, isLoading, error } = useCounts();
  if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
  if (error) return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;
  return (
      <span>Unread: {data?.unreadCount}</span>
      <span>Unseen: {data?.unseenCount}</span>
      <span>Total: {data?.total}</span>

With Store ID

You can filter counts for a specific store:

function StoreNotifications({ storeId }) {
  const { data, isLoading } = useCounts({
    storeId: storeId,
  if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
  return (
      <span>Store Notifications: {data?.total}</span>
      <span>Unread: {data?.unreadCount}</span>

With Query Filters

You can also apply additional filters using the query parameter:

function FilteredNotifications() {
  const { data, isLoading } = useCounts({
    query: {
      templates: ['welcome-template', 'order-update'],
      emails: [''],
  if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
  return (
      <span>Filtered Notifications: {data?.total}</span>
      <span>Unread: {data?.unreadCount}</span>

The counts are automatically updated in real-time when notifications are marked as read/unread or when new notifications arrive.

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